
En el mundo actual, acelerado y orientado por la tecnología, el conocimiento técnico se ha vuelto esencial en diversas industrias. Las empresas demandan profesionales que no solo comprendan las teorías detrás de su trabajo, sino que también puedan aplicar este conocimiento a problemas del mundo real. Aquí es donde entra...

Disfruta de nuestro último seminario web sobre «Smart Grids». Las redes eléctricas inteligentes, o smart grids, son el resultado de la evolución de los sistemas eléctricos de potencia. Estas redes avanzadas gestionan la demanda de energía eléctrica de manera sostenible, confiable y económica. Se caracterizan por una infraestructura avanzada y...

En EDIBON somos conscientes de la importancia de contar con profesionales bien capacitados y actualizados en las últimas tecnologías, ya que es crucial para diversas industrias y sectores. A medida que la tecnología evoluciona rápidamente, los profesionales deben mejorar constantemente sus habilidades y conocimientos para mantenerse competitivos y efectivos en...

We had the honor of training students from the Coventry University (Egypt) at our facilities. The students spent two weeks practicing in the EDIBON Testing and Validation Department. There, they were able to put into practice all the previously acquired knowledge. For us is always very gratifying to carry out...

Do you want to become an EDIBON dealer? With our new free webinar you will be able to know all the advantages and facilities of selling EDIBON. We are waiting for you next May 26 at 11:00 a.m (CET). Register here:…/1FAIpQLScrtrizPixm10…/viewform


Are you a teacher or do you work as an engineering researcher? EDIBON offers courses for teachers and #research staff. Take a look at the course of Photoelasticity and learn about #elasticity, #fracturemechanics and #materialtesting. #DiscoverEdibon #Engineering.


Are you a teacher or do you work as an engineering researcher? EDIBON offers courses for teachers and #research staff. Take a look at the course Basic Mechanics and learn about #forces and vectors. #DiscoverEdibon #Engineering.


Are you a teacher or do you work as an engineering researcher? EDIBON offers courses for teachers and #research staff. Take a look at the course of Fluid Mechanics and learn about #fluids properties. #DiscoverEdibon #Engineering.


Are you a teacher or do you work as an engineering researcher? EDIBON offers courses for teachers and #research staff. Take a look at the course of 12 days of material resistance and learn about #energy theorems. #DiscoverEdibon #Engineering Contact us for further information!
