Join our Whatsapp and Telegram channels!

Now you can also find out all the latest EDIBON news via Whatsapp and Telegram! Join our channels to receive all our news in advance and directly on your phone.
In addition to the website and the usual profiles on social networks (Facebook, X, Instagram, Linkedin or Youtube), we now have a Whatsapp channel and another on Telegram with the most important information, promotions and many more advantages.

How to join the Whatsapp channel?

  • A partir de este enlace: o abre la aplicación de Whatsapp y selecciona la opción llamada “Novedades” (arriba en Android y abajo a la izquierda en iPhone). Una vez en “Novedades”, verás la opción de “Buscar canales“. Busca EDIBON y haz clic en “Seguir”.
  • When you want to see the latest EDIBON messages, simply go to “What’s New“.
  • To receive notifications when we send a message, you must activate them by clicking on the bell at the top right.

How to join the Telegram channel?

  • Open the Telegram application. Once inside, where the magnifying glass is, search for @EDIBON and click on “Join“. You can also access the channel by clicking on this link:
  • When you want to see EDIBON’s latest messages, they will appear in your listing with the rest of the open chats.
  • From then on, you will receive notifications when we send you a message, you don’t need to activate them.
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