
Very happy with Edibon’s latest installation! This time, we have moved to the first University in Albania, Universiteti i Tiranes. Faqja Zyrtare, and worked side by side with the Natural Sciences Faculty to install some of our equipment, including: The Computer Controlled Solid-Liquid Extraction Unit, Isothermal Reactor with Stirrer,...

We invite you to a new free webinar by EDIBON: Acreditationfor Universities and Training Centers! We look forward to seeing you on February 16 at 10.00 am. Register now … Leer más


Te invitamos a nuestro nuevo webinar gratuito para hispanohablantes: Acreditación para Universidades y Centros de formación. Te esperamos el próximo 17 de febrero a las 17.00 (CET). Regístrate ahora en:


EDIBON, one of the twenty Spanish companies participating in the UN International Procurement Seminar 2021.After the closing of this edition, it is time to share the immense satisfaction for participating in such an inspiring workshop and to assess the great potential for long-term agreements with all the agents involved. Thanks...

We are pleased to announce our latest installation at , Giurisprudenza – Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, specifically for the department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering. There we install our CFGSMI/300, CFGPRE, CFGC10SP/300, CFGBAE/300 and CFG10SP-KIT/300 equipments. We are very grateful for the collaboration and for being able to help students to establish theoretical...

Worlddidac Assoication presents its newly elected Council for the 2020-2022 term, consisting of Nader Imani (President), Juha Merinen (Vice President), Steven McKee (President Emeritus), Myriam Bonilla (Treasurer), Filippo Prosperi, Amit Sharma, Gaelle Girardeau, … Leer más


We had the honor of working with Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Specifically with the department of machines and thermal engines of the Vitoria Engineering School, in which our engineers installed our TM75-01SP equipment.We feel fortunate to be able to help their students receive a quality practical...

On December 15th don’t miss the new free webinar from Edibon: Mechatronics, Automation and Compumechatronics. We will see the current and future needs of the industry and show you some Edibon equipment from this area, don’t miss it! Register now at…/1FAIpQLSdqgOi4hElRPT…/viewform  


El 15 de Diciembre a las 17:00h (CET) no te pierdas el nuevo webinar gratuito: Mecatrónica, Automatización y Compumecatrónica.Veremos las necesidades de la industria actuales y futuras y os mostraremos algunos equipos de Edibon de este área.¡No te lo pierdas!Regístrate ahora en:…/1FAIpQLSexMBeiqouGkv…/viewform


We will be at Association for Career and Technical Education from November, 30th to December, 4th. This year it will be a virtual event full of live sessions and exhibitions. This promises to be the event of the year for CTE professionals, because it adapts to the innovations that...