¡Nuevo webinar gratuito para hispanohablantes! Soluciones didácticas en energías renovables es el nuevo webinar que hemos preparado para el próximo 3 de diciembre a las 17:00h (CET). Regístrate y conoce algunas de las innovaciones en enseñanza técnica de EDIBON: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSfZDyF00VtdYV…/viewform

Are you ready for a new EDIBON webinar? Renewable Energy Teaching Solutions is the new topic of the free webinar that we have prepared for December, 1st at 10am (CET). You can quickly register here: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLScM43S24NG5Ic…/viewform We wait for you.

¡Nuevo WEBINAR gratuito en español! Le invitamos a asistir al webinar «Centro Piloto Avanzado de Formación Técnica y Vocacional» el próximo 12 de noviembre a las 17:00h (CEST). Inscríbase ahora en https://forms.gle/Kuph6oDQYkYHJ55VA

A new Edibon webinar is coming soon for english and spanish speaker! Don’t miss the talk «Advanced Technical and Vocational Pilot Training Center» on November, 11th at 10:00 pm (CEST) in english and the 12th at 17:00 (CEST) in spanish. Free registration at: https://forms.gle/UWURLqcNSeKAsw2W7

Pleased to announce that Edibon will be supporting Future Talk, hosted by Worlddidac Association. A three-day hybrid dialogue platform in cooperation with three UN Agencies and under the patronage of the Swiss Government, analyzing the impact by education in the era of the new normal. We will focus on...

We feel fortunate to be part of an educational community that fosters international agreements and allows us to learn and incorporate improvements resulting from global research and innovation processes. Today we are happy to present our latests installation in collaboration with the Universities of Canada in Egypt, where one...

We are pleased to announce our latest installation at URJC, specifically for the department of signal theory and communications and telematic systems and computing of the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineers in Fuenlabrada (Spain), including BDAS/BMA, MTP or RYC, among others for mechanics and mechatronics areas. It has...

Our great motivation is to see how universities and engineering centers are satisfied with the results provided by our equipment. On this occasion, the Universidad CEO San Pablo Architecture and Design department has welcomed us to carry out the installation of several units, including: – The Computer Controlled Heat Pump + Air...

En respuesta a la gran acogida de los últimos seminarios organizados, nos alegra anunciar una nueva edición, dirigida en esta ocasión a colegas hispanoparlantes, que tendrá lugar el próximo 30 de septiembre a las 17:00 horas (CEST – hora de Madrid). Llamada ‘Últimas tecnologías en educación práctica a distancia’, incluirá...

What do custom-made Pilot plants consist of? The Pilot Plant is a small-scale processing plant designed to obtain information that can be used in industrial scale processes. It allows carrying out feasibility studies of designs and processes on an industrial scale, thus reducing the cost of the initial investment. At...