Installation au METFPA, Côte d’Ivoire

Hoy queremos compartir con vosotros una emocionante actualización sobre la última instalación que hemos completado en el Centre de Formation Professionnelle Avancée en Énergies Renouvelables de Yopougon (METFPA) en Costa de Marfil. Esta instalación representa un paso significativo en nuestra misión de proporcionar equipos de alta calidad para la formación en energías renovables, contribuyendo así al desarrollo educativo y profesional en la región.

At METFPA, we have installed several of our energy-related equipment, including:

Additionally, we are excited to highlight the installation of our AEL-KNX unit with several of its applications. This unit represents a unique opportunity for students, educators, and automation professionals to delve into the development of KNX building automation projects, the interconnection of KNX devices, and programming using the ETS software tool.

Among the notable applications of the AEL-KNX unit, we can mention:

All these pieces of equipment are operated through our SCADA system, making training much more practical and accessible for students. The integration of SCADA allows for the simulation of real-world scenarios, providing students with an immersive learning experience that enhances their skills and knowledge in the fields of renewable energies and automation.

We would like to thank METFPA for trusting us to equip their facilities and for contributing to the development of future generations of professionals in the energy sector. We are excited about the opportunities these installations will provide for students and look forward to seeing the results of this collaboration in the future.

Thank you for placing your trust in us!

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