
Place: Ouargla, Algeria. Department of Renewable Energies Date of installation: May, 2017 Click to see pictures


Development of Systems for Technical Training in the Process Control Field Developing three modular systems to study metering systems and control algorithms, the tuning and testing of industrial controllers by the hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation, and the analysis of real systems, such as industrial process control plants, through an architecture based...

The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (UAC), through the Professional School of Industrial Engineering, managed to acquire the SCADA-NET system, a network process control module of the Spanish company EDIBON, which has 20 computers designed to strengthen the practical skills of students. In 2013, Universidad Andina del Cusco, in its...

Desarrollo de sistemas para la formación técnica en el campo de la electricidad y la energía: Debido a la rápida evolución de las tecnologías es necesaria una formación técnica paralela adaptada para conseguir una capacitación completa, actualizada y de calidad para los presentes y futuros técnicos. Dentro del área de...

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