Laboratory practices at Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes – UEMC featuring EDIBON equipment.

At EDIBON, we are immensely proud to have supplied the equipment used by Industrial Organization Engineering students (hybrid mode) during their laboratory practices at Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes – UEMC in Valladolid.

Throughout these practices, students had the opportunity to delve into core subjects essential to their education, such as Physics II, Fluid Mechanics, Elasticity and Strength of Materials, and Electronic Technology. Our advanced equipment enabled them to conduct practical experiments that complemented and reinforced their theoretical learning, providing valuable and hands-on experiences in the field of engineering.

We take great pride in being an integral part of these future engineers’ and scientists’ education. Witnessing how our equipment contributes to the development of their knowledge and skills reaffirms EDIBON’s commitment to educational excellence and technological advancement. We look forward to continuing to support UEMC in its mission to educate highly skilled professionals prepared to tackle real-world challenges in industrial engineering.

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