One of our latest installations is the one we did in the department of Seaport and Customs in Sharjah Ports & Customs Authority (United Arab Emirates) There we installed our Hydraulic and Electro-Hydraulic Application (AE-HD), HK-K0, HK-K1, HK-K2, HK-K3, HK-K4, HK-K5, HK-K6, our Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) and our WBPP-SP The Hydraulic and Electro-Hydraulic Application, « AE-HD », is a modular unit consisting of a great variety of optional kits and elements to configure the desired Hydraulic and Electro-Hydraulic circuit. The Hydraulic Power Unit, « HPU », has been designed by EDIBON to include all necessary components to supply pressurized working oilto the EDIBON units with hydraulic circuits We hope to return very soon!