
Our recognition and best wishes to the entire Islamic community that begins the#Ramadan. Empowered by the practice of fasting, time to deepen ones self-knowledge and purify the spirit as a memorial in the month when the sacred #Koran was revealed.#رَمَضَان#Ramadan2019#Muslim


Happy#EuropeDay to all European nations! Good time to value and celebrate the #EU motto ‘united in diversity’, with respect and determination to strengthen this great common project.#DiscoverEdibon#DíaDeEuropa#JourneeDelEurope#FetedelEurope#EuropaTag#EuropeDay2019


Edibon participates in the XXIV edition of the Student’s Fair hosted by Universidad de Sevilla, contributing with our units to facilitate the understanding of practical #engineering. This is the place where the next university students will decide about their professional future and we want to help them to make easier...

At EDIBON we feel fully aligned with the UN vision of women’s empowerment through innovation. #WomensDay 2019 looks to industry leaders to examine the ways in which #innovation can remove barriers and accelerate progress for gender equality.


Please, visit our booth R1. Dubai World Trade Center, Dubai (UAE) Click for more information


We would like to greet you on the new season and we wish in the coming year to continue sharing moments together to learn from each other with the common goal of facilitating the technical learning of future generations. We have the same motivation as the first day and many...

One more year we celebrate with colleagues and professionals at ACTEs CareerTeach 2018 our shared passion for vocational and technical #education with the aim of promoting a quality practical education that stimulates the intellect of the students preparing them to lead the challenges of tomorrow.


In EDIBON we are in continuous collaboration with public and private universities, installing our equipment to offer a quality education. This time, Elías Bonilla, president of EDIBON International and Javier Ramos, Rector of the Rey Juan Carlos University have met to sign a new protocol of general action and thus...

On Africa Industrialization Day, we would like to highlight the great work carried out daily by African citizens and companies that, together with their worldwide partners, contribute to the development of an innovative and sustainable industry. A sign of our commitment to the growth of Africa are the more than...

EDIBON, as Platinum member of the Worlddidac Association, has just concluded its collaboration in the latest edition of Swiss didac Bern, showcasing its most innovative products and solutions for the education sector. What a pleasure to share space and ideas once again with such brilliant colleagues and friends!
