Setting up at Politeknik Negeri Batam (POLIBATAM) in Indonesia.

We have carried out an installation at Politeknik Negeri Batam (POLIBATAM) in Indonesia.

There we have installed two of our units from the energy area, specifically from the Smart Grids and Power System area:

  • The Computer Controlled Smart Grids Application (AEL-BSGC): This unit has been designed to study the Smart Grids in the generation, transmission, distribution and load consumption fields.
  • Gas Power Plants Simulator (PSV-GSPP-SOF): This software has been designed with the aim of showing the user the basic principles of operation of Brayton cycle gas turbine power plants, exposing in a didactic way the elements and parameters present in the generation process, as well as the interrelations between these parameters through the mathematical models integrated in the simulato

It was an honor for us to be able to carry out this installation in Indonesia.

We hope to be back very soon!

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