What is Cloud Learning?

What´s the Cloud?

The concept of the Cloud over Internet can seem a little confusing but it´s a term that is used in order to describe a connected, distributed and remote global network of servers basically giving rise to a single ecosystem of work. The severs are designed to either save and manage information or deliver contents and services such as video streaming , webmail and social media. We access the files and data online from any device connected to Internet instead of accessing from a personal computer. Therefore, the information will be available for the users from anywhere and at any moment.

What´s Cloud-Learning?

The concepts of cloud and cloud computing are applied to educational environment, so they have introduced a new education system called Cloud- Based Learning.

There are several online education systems that are already implemented and whose proposes differs from one to another. Even though they have in common is to provide a distance training.

The Learning Management System (LMS) are focused both educational institutions and companies. The access can be synchronous or asynchronous, that is, several users access the resources at the same time or different time scale. Moodle, Blackboard and Canvas are the most representative examples.

Instructor Led Training (ILT) are comparable to LMS but with the singularity that the training is led by an instructor from a physical place. The users access to the events if they get an invitation from the instructor. Adobe Meeting or Big Blue Button are tools that help to such goal can be fulfilled.

The Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are designed so that thousands of users access to the training. Their structure is focused on demanding based teaching by millions of people, limited in short time and open access over Internet. Coursera, EDx, OCW MIT are most admired platforms in the world.

What´s IoT and IIoT?

It´s important to know terms like Internet of Things or Industrial Internet of Things that along with the services that the cloud provides the users, allow to take advantage of the resources for high education and research as is the cases of University Education or Vocational Training.

The Internet of Things is defined as a connection between devices that do not require the human interaction and it is performed over Internet. The devices can be sensors, daily use objects, vehicles, machines, etc. This concept is called Industrial Internet of Things when it is applied to Industry. Huge volumes of Data (Big Data) are processed, computing method and artificial intelligence (Machine Learning) are also employed for this type of environment.

What´s EDIBON Cloud Learning?

EDIBON has developed a new concept for Distance Education based on the last market technologies named EDIBON CLOUD LEARNING (ECL) taking in account the previous definitions and the education needs.

Edibon Cloud Learning is an online teaching solution that allows to manage user communities and control Technical Teaching Units designed by Edibon remotely.

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