
Today we are celebrating the national day of France, called le 14 Juillet, to commemorate the anniversary of storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789, a turning point on the French Revolution. Profitez de la journée! #Le14Juillet#laFêtenationale#DiscoverEdibon


The entire Edibon team is grateful after having supplied a total of 15 units to the Vocational Education Competence Center Riga Technical College RTK (Latvia). Some of the equipment installed are AEL-ACINA, AEL-ACWRA, AEL-AD5, FRECP, EM-SCADA or PAN-PLC-K1, among others. We look forward to hearing from you about the equipment’s...

Glad to announce one of our latest set-ups atUniversidad de Huelva, with a complete installation for the Agroforestry Science department’s students and researchers, including AFTC, QRCC, TFRC or MCEN, among others. We are proud to contribute in the technical preparation of future agroforestry engineers


We have carried out the installation of equipment related to the technical areas of process control and chemical engineering in Politeknik ATI Makassar University, Indonesia. With these new units, students will be able to continue learning and putting into practice the acquired knowledge.


We are very pleased to announce our recent collaboration with Instituto de la Grasa-CSIC, dependent on The Spanish National Research Council CSIC, with the installation of the Advanced Computer Controlled Deodorizing Unit. The AEDC/A allows the study of the deodorization process, stripping undesirable compounds from edible oils. We are confident...

Throughout these years, our technology has evolved to offer our customers optimized quality and service. We have adapted our procedures to the market’s needs continually attending its innovations. Thanks to our R&D+i department we can offer advanced sustainable solutions for most technical teaching areas.Throughout these years, our technology has evolved...

This year’s World Environment Day revolves around biodiversity. Today more than ever, it is time to take care of nature. That’s why at EDIBON we keep a long-term commitment for the protection of #environment with sustainable practices and socially responsible policies, evaluated annually.


Today we are celebrating #AfricaDay in commemoration of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) founding, succeeded by African Union, and as a recognition to the African people to whom we are united by a lasting friendship forged through years of collaboration and from whom we continually learn.


The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ä°lham Æliyev, inaugurates the electrical engineering laboratory recently installed by EDIBON at AzÉrenerji ASC, the largest electric power company in Azerbaijan and the Caucasus.


To reaffirm a shared global vision of an information society empowered by interconnectivity in #education, we celebrate the #UN World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, highlighting the #ICTadvances for transition to smart and sustainable development and emerging trends for fostering economic, environmental and social sustainability.
