What is SCADA?
Nowadays, due to real industrial system and process complexity results indispensable to count on a SCADA architecture. The SCADA term stands for Supervisory, Control and Data Acquisition. Embedded software applications are performance based on computers by means of this concept with the purpose of carrying out measurements, control and supervision over process in real time.SCADA at the Industry
The SCADA architecture is used in large industrial sector widely and vitally importance for the supervision and control both plants and process. Among activities more representative stands out such as:- The Energy Industry, about electrical energy on production, transportation, and distribution.
- The Petro-Chemistry Industry, for gas and petroleum field, distribution networks, natural gas distribution and pipeline control.
- The Environmental Industry to treat and purify waste water.
- The Manufacturing Industry, to convert raw materials and produce consumer goods.
- Etc.
SCADA at the Education and Investigation
Another very important scope which SCADA system are applied is educational environment, research field specially. The idea of controlling any process variable and supervise possible anomalies offer great advantages if they are compared to manual procedures or process which lack of such technology. Besides, the experiments are carried out more effectively. The final result reliability is much higher without doubt, therefore the work done by the researcher possess a higher credibility. SCADA applications contain large amount of tools which are useful particularly to the research and the studied area such as Analyzing Data in detail once the experimental process has concluded, controlling the automatically the experiments or recording the events while the tests are performed.- Data Storage:
- Control Algorithm:
- Warning and Alarms: