Design your own laboratory

An efficient laboratory in a university or vocational school improves the
performance of the students and the understanding of concepts in a simple
and quick way. It also allows the students to learn in a completely practical
way that prepares them for the future.

In EDIBON we design fully customized laboratories that meet the needs of
every educational establishment, being equipped with the latest technology
available on the market and designed one hundred per cent by EDIBON

We can design tailor-made laboratories for many areas, from physics,
electronics or chemistry to communications, fluid mechanics and
environmental engineering.

In this way, we help both teachers and students to learn and research in an
effective way.

The students:

  • Enjoy a fast learning process.
  • – Learn concepts clearly.
  • – Save time and consolidate knowledge.

The teachers:

  • – Increase learning efficiency.
  • – Teach in an easy and intuitive way.
  • – Reduce costs, decreasing teaching time.
  • – Integrate theoretical and practical learning in the same classroom.

At EDIBON, we help design the laboratory from the first phase, offering a
complete monitoring and service to get the most suitable configuration for
the particular needs of the client, under the advice of our R&D department.

All EDIBON laboratories can be expanded with exclusive expansions
developed in-house.

After 40 years, we are delighted to continue offering solutions to
universities and vocational schools from around the world to obtain quality
