Setting up at the Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA) in El Salvador


Recently, we have had the pleasure of making an installation at the at the Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA) in El Salvador. Specifically, we went to the chemical engineering department to install our: Computer Controlled Continuous Distillation Unit (UDCC)that is a powerful laboratory tool for the study of variables affecting the distillation process. The student can investigate the principles that govern the transfer of matter and energy, as well as determine the optimum operating point for carrying out a large number of separations. Computer Controlled Chemical Reactors (QRC)that has been designed for the study and comparison of different types of chemical reactors. Service Unit for QRC (QUSC)Computer Controlled Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor for QRC (QRCAC), among others On our website you can find all the characteristics of these units. For us it has been a pleasure to be able to carry out an installation like this. We hope to return very son!

